When you register as a member on gvccracing.com, you will receive the follow instructions automatically. Here's a copy in case you lost them!
IMPORTANT! Please fill out and return the GVCC waiver. In order to be placed on the approved rider list you need to complete and return the GVCC waiver which is attached to this email. Please email your completed waiver to membership@gvccracing.com
Web App - Instructions

Use the Schedule page to sign-up for marshaling duty. Click on the 'plus sign' while logged in to agree to marshal a race date.
To remove yourself from an event just click on your profile image. (Mousing over a marshall image will display the marshals name).You can always check your status as an approved rider by clicking on the approved rider page. This list is automatically updated each time you visit the app, your membership status is pulled directly from BikeReg.com and your marshaling assignment's are pulled from the schedule page.
Web App - New Features
gtour.gvccracing.com is a new web app, it's undergoing continual development. If you're curious about what new features are planned, or if you have ideas you'd like to see included check out the feature board.