Annual Meeting November 16, 2021 6:00 PM
Perinton Community Center
Board Members Present
Brian Cardona, President
Fernando Galiana, Vice President
Matt Quinlan, Treasurer
Bob Canino, Secretary
Club Members Present
Scott Bass
Dave Bischoff
Dick Camping
John Deiure
Josh Gonsenhauser
Jeremy Gworek
Pete Pelychaty
Todd Scheske
Jan Van Aardt
2021 Review
Treasurer’s Report
2022 Planning
Slides here
Questions/comments from members on specific topics
Treasurer’s Report
Expenses - What were the main expenses? (Race grants, Awards banquet)
2022 Planning
Website - in need of redesign. Should be the main source of info vs Twitter or FB for cancellations/course changes.
Club Kit – Add-on at sign up? Discount with new membership? Is there demand for it and will people wear it? Merch sales via online store linked to website?
Marshaling Issues– More needed for Bloomfield. Pros/cons of marshal duty buyouts discussed. Club is committing to help with Downtown Crit and UCI CX races next year.
B group racing– Range of abilities and different goals for Tuesday nights. Team dynamics hurts the overall racing but opportunities for others are there. Consensus is to let it play out, guys who are eager to get better and upgrade will take the advice given.
Encourage moving up earlier?
More welcoming to new riders.
Advocacy – “share the road” signs or billboard. Safer roads = more people riding bikes = more goodwill towards cyclists. Opposing view was that we’re a race club promoting racing. Leave advocacy for the RBC.
Should the Club donate to a cycling advocacy group?
Put a link on the website to donate to an advocacy group.
Downtown Crit is the biggest boost for cycling in the area both financially for the bike shops and in general goodwill towards cyclists.
GVCC tent and presence at the Crit.
Discount at FMV in exchange for Club’s support?
Group Rides – weekend winter rides are not Club events
Summer weeknight no-drop rides (Mon or Wed?) Dryer road meetup? Ride leaders?
Create a B group at Furman ride?
“Ride with the GVCC” once a month from a different shop?
Best ways to promote these rides?
Reach out to schools, some have cycling clubs. Potential problem in inviting students to join an offsite club not affiliated with the school.
Free membership for college students?
General - New course suggestions welcome.